
mandag den 20. februar 2012

Things money can buy :) - hvad man dog kan købe :) review/anmeldelse

I pretty much knew, that this would be something, I never would use, but at less than $2.50 on Ebay including shipping from China, I had to check it out...
The idea is of course to protect nails with wet polish....
Jeg var nu ret sikker på, at det ikke ville være noget, jeg kom til at bruge, men til mindre end 15kr. inkl. fragt fra Kina på Ebay, tænkte jeg, dem må du se nærmere på....
Ideen er naturligvis at beskytte negle med våd neglelak...
You can lift to apply another coat - du kan løfte op for at lægge endnu et lag lak.
They didn't feel tight, but look at those blue finger tips LOL
De føltes ikke stramme, men se lige de blå fingerspidser :)
This is not an attempt to ridicule this product - nor the seller, that actually is my all time favorite sellers in China - always super service, and the items arrive SO fast, often less than 2 weeks to Denmark, where other sellers ship in a much slower way...
This seller also has the fantastic and good quality swatch sticks, that I use, nail polish doesn't dissolve them, like I experienced with THESE not very good ones I first bought.
Dette er bestemt ikke er forsøg på at gøre grin med produktet - eller sælgeren, der faktisk er min absolutte favorit sælger i Kina - der er altid super service, og tingene ankommer SÅ hurtigt, ofte mindre end to uger efter betalingen, hvor andre sælgere vælger en langsommere forsendelsesmåde...
Denne sælger har også de fantastisk gode swatch pinde, som jeg bruger, og de opløses ikke af neglelakken som jeg oplevede med disse ikke særligt gode, som jeg først købte.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Lol these look funny .... And yes very purple fingers... Its a good concept though lol

    1. Funny and funky - and yes a good concept :)

  2. I've never seen something like this before :)

    1. Neither had I, so I had to have a closer look LOL

  3. lol funny device:)but cool idea I have to say:)

  4. Oh my... I've never heard of anything like this before. It IS kind of hilarious! All I can think of is how I would manage to mangle my nails worse with those things on.

    1. Well I don't think many of us have, and yes I think I too would be able to get in terrible situations with them LOL

  5. Its a modified hair chip! hehe Your poor fingers! I think ill pass they might make me more dangerous!

    1. Hahaha, I get visions of you chasing round the house with pink "claws" ;)


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