
søndag den 4. marts 2012

Daisies on jade

In the middle of January I painted these daisies with acrylic color. The base color is 2 coats of OPI Jade is the New Black, se swatches below. I finished off with Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat.
Do you like my daisies?
Tomorrow & Thursday you will see more flowers on my blog...
I midten af januar malede jeg disse margeuritter med acrylfarve oven på 2 lag OPI Jade is the New Black, se lakken uden blomster nedenstående. Jeg sluttede med Seche Vite toplak.
Kan du li’ mine margueritter??
I morgen og på torsdag kommer der flere blomster...
Jade is the New Black is a cream polish, that is opaque in two coats. It’s a beautiful dark jade color, and I like it a lot. Here you have it in 2 coats and without a top coat.
Jade is the New Black er en creme lak, der dækker fint ved to lag. Det er en smuk jadegrøn farve, og jeg er vild med den. Her ser du den med 2 lag og uden top coat.

17 kommentarer:

  1. This is so pretty! I may have to try this! (=

  2. oh my goodness Maria! these are stunning! i love them! :)

    1. Thanks Lydz, I'm only just opening the bag of flower mani's I have - this was a very early attempt :)

  3. These are so cute!! I like the color combo you chose too!(:

  4. Now this is the real shade of jade,very cool,very pretty:)And the daisies makes made the manicure look fresh and feel like spring:)

    1. Yes, it's such a pretty jade color, and thank you Mimi :)

  5. That green is the perfect backdrop for your daisies. Lovely spring combination!


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