
mandag den 12. marts 2012

Snowdrops for my husband - vintergækker til min mand

I don't think you  ever seen my mani's on the day I actually did them, except for THIS ONE, but it's my husbands birthday, so this morning I asked him, what kind of flowers he wanted, and on what base color.
He went for Butter London Bossy Boots and snowdrops, the years first flowers, because he loved the ones I removed yesterday (I'll post them Wednesday or Thursday), so this is my "take 2" on snowdrops. I don't like as much as "take 1", I'll let you judge later this week :)
Normalt viser jeg først indlæg længe efter at manicuren er taget af, måske lige pånær DENNE, men i dag er det min mands fødselsdag, så i morges spurgte jeg ham om, hvilke blomster jeg skulle lave og på hvilken baggrund. Han valgte Butter London Bossy Boots og vintergækker, fordi han var vild med dem, jeg fjernede i går (jeg viser dem onsdag eller torsdag), så disse vintergækker er faktisk "take 2". Jeg kunne lidt bedre li' "take 1", men jeg vil lade jer vurdere det senere på ugen :)
I spongede the ground with Butter London Wallis before I with a super thin striper painted vegetation and leaves in grey and 2 green acrylic colors, and I did the flower heads (both white and green part) with a dotting tool. Finally I top coated with Seche Vite.
See Bossy Boot swatches HERE 
Do you have snowdrops where you live?
Jeg duppede "jorden" med Butter London Wallis før jeg med en super tynd striper malede vegetation og blade med grå og 2 grønne akrylfarver, og blomsterne (både den hvide og grønne del) malede jeg med et dotting tool. Til slut lagde jeg min toplak, Seche Vite.
Se Bossy Boots uden nail art HER.

21 kommentarer:

  1. awe thats cute that he picked the colors... great mani! :) Happy BDay to your hubby

    1. Thank you Polish AMOR, and hubby says thank you too :)

  2. wow, you did a great job, this looks simply amazing, so fresh and spring-like. Nice that your husband is involved with your nail hobby, I wish my bf was involved a little, he rarely even notices my nail color changes, only when I wear a neon or something ;)

    1. Thank you hermetic, I'm so happy that he is so supportive and interested, that makes it even more fun. Maybe you should ask your BF to pick some colors ;)

    2. i feel you hermatic... my bf isn't interested at all... the only thing that cought his I was the neon pink with white dots... what is it with men and neon that they don't llike...?

  3. agree with his taste, happy birthday from me :-D
    you did great job, lovely mani :-D
    snowdrops reminds me so of my childhood... long time ago, in a different time, different place, different peoples...

    1. Thank you, and Anton says thank you too :)
      Yes, that must be a veeeery long time ago ;)

    2. lol, not an century ago :-p

    3. OK, then almost, young Zana ;)

  4. Very beautiful- your husband did a great job of picking a nice base colour for the snow drops. It's very soft and spring-y. The way you used BL Wallis is pretty neat. At first I thought it was just a gold glitter, but you can see the earthier tones peaking through. I love these snowdrops... thank you for sharing! And Happy Birthday to your husband!

    1. Thank you The Lacquer Tracker, and yes I felt I needed a bit "earth" for them to grow in :)

  5. Really gorgeous spring mani. :)

  6. This is really good! I don't think we have Snowdrops in Australia.

    1. Thank you, PrettyPurplePolish, I just Googled it for fun, it looks like you have them in the cold climate zones...

  7. Nawww so pretty! You're great at this kind of stuff!

  8. Thank you, hollysagemini, I'm so glad you like it :)

  9. I like this very much, so sweet and tender! :-)
    My husband is Pisces too (March 6th), he is very tolerant and understanding for my nail polish "illness"... :-)

    1. Thank you, Raggio di Luna, so funny, mine is too, very supportive, and he actually finds it interesting too :)


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