
tirsdag den 12. juni 2012

Nabi Magnetics - Teal, Wine & Sky Blue - swatches and review

Teal is a dark and gorgeous shimmery green, not teal at all! Teal er slet ikke teal, som du kan se!
Wine is a gorgeous blod red - Wine er en smuk blodrød
Sky Blue is a turquoise blue with a light shimmer - Sky Blue er en turkisblå med let shimmer.
The polishes are  all shown in one generous coat. The magnets are built in on the top of the bottle, and they work well as you can see. The polish is easy to apply and dries pretty fast.
Lakkerne er alle vist i et ret tykt lag. Magneterne er bygget ind i toppen af flasken, og virker fint som du kan se. Lakken er let at lægge og tørrer ret hurtigt. På grund af min hastigt voksende samling har jeg besluttet ikke at købe flere magnetiske lakker, og disse er til salg, se mere HER.

20 kommentarer:

  1. From these three I go for the green one! :-)

    1. It really is quite gorgeous, thank you Raggio di Luna :)

  2. Awesome, I love my Nabi magnetics, they are my favorites. I still think Wine is my favorite color out of the bunch ♥

    1. Thank you melacine - I agree, it is very gorgeous, but Teal (even if it's not teal) is a close second :)

  3. I like all this 3! :)

    1. Thank you zebra-nails, LOL but I suppose you lied the pink you chose as the prize better ;)

  4. Svar
    1. It has such a gorgeous shimmer - tiny bits of gold!

  5. These look really good but I still haven't got to grips with magnetic polishes! No matter how many times i try, I just can't get it x :-)

    1. Thank you CharlieDBeauty, and you hold it as close as you can...? I hold it in front of my eyes facing a window, supporting at least one arm - that works for me...

  6. I think they're all pretty, but I have never really joined that magnetic trend. :)

    1. Thank you Rainbowify Me, I was all in to it, but now I think I have too many LOL

  7. wow, i want them too *.*
    that red is awesome <3

    1. They are for sale my friend, go for it LOL - and yes, the red is a stunner!!

  8. Hehehe - du har en god pointe der Christina ;) - men du kan jo udvide din "bestand" med disse tre ;)

  9. Thank you Polish and Charms, yes they really are!

  10. The magnetic lines turned out so clear! Very nice! I especially like the "V" pattern on the green polish. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you, Yun, and yes the magnets works well with the polish - i like the V pattern very much too :)


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