
søndag den 29. juli 2012

Hits Dionisio trick question answer + nail art

The right answer to the trick question is: the index and ring finger that is 2 coats of Hits Dionisio!
Det rigtige svar på trick spørgsmålet er: Pegefinger og ringfinger er 2 lag Hits Dionisio!
Hits Dionisio
The other fingers are 3 coats of Sinful Fiji, and on the middle and pinkie I top coated with Piper Polish Spectra Flair Top Coat and the thumb with Bit’s Hocus Pocus.
I like toppers that give a holographic effect if I am in the sun or in artificial light in the evening. But in normal light conditions, they dull the polish below them, and make the surface more or less grey, see below. So I still want the real thing, a polish “born” as a holo – but maybe I’ll try to franken the Hocus Pocus with another polish.
Have you bought or even made your own holo top coat – and how do you like it…?
De andre tre fingre er 3 lag Sinful Fiji, langemand og lillefinger er top coated med Piper Polish Spectra Flair Top Coat og tommelen med Bit’s Hocus Pocus.
Jeg kan godt li’ toplakker, der giver holografisk effect, hvis jeg opholder mig i solen eller i kunstigt lys om aftenen. Men i mere normalt lyst nedtoner de lakken og gør den mere eller mindre grå, se nedenstående. Så jeg vil stadig have den ægte vare, en holografiske lak, der er født sådan – men måske vil jeg prøve at franken Hocus Pocus med en eller anden lak.
Har du købt eller selv lavet holografiske toplakker – og hvis ja, hvad synes du så om dem..?
semi shade - halvskygge
Indoor day light - indendørs dagslys

Below you see my first shot for the Hits Dionisio trick question, but it was too obvious. All nails has one coat of Finger Paints Beach Bound, my index and ring finger one coat of Hits Dionisio, my thumb and pinkie one coat of Piper Polish Spectra Flair Top Coat, and on the middle one coat of Girly Bit’s Hocus Pocus. All though I love holo’s I still feel naked without nail art, so I just doodled some random patterns and top coated, see farther below.
Nedenstående ser du mit første forsøg til trickspørgsmålet, men det var for let at gennemskue. Alle negle fik et lag Finger Paints Beach Bound, tommel og lillefinger et lag Piper Polish Spectra Flair Top Coat, og langemand et lag Girly Bit’s Hocus Pocus.Selvom jeg elsker holografiske lakker, synes jeg nu bedst om mine negle med nail art på, så jeg lavede lidt krusseduller, som du kan se længere nede.
In shade especially Hocus Pocus (middle finger) dulls the polish below, even if applied very thin.

44 kommentarer:

  1. Lol,I knew I am going to be wrong :))I love holo polishes,but so far my franken skills haven't been that great,so I didnt even tryt to make one myself:)

    1. I did everything I could to cheat you all, so I understand, thanks Mimi :)

  2. got me! haha Dionisio is beautiful! :)

    1. LOL, I'm happy I did, and yes, it really is, thanks Lydia :)

  3. I like the holo polishes, but in particular, I love the nail art you did with them! The simple white art goes lovely with the holo base. :-)

    ~ Yun

  4. nail art is gr8....i guessed wrong the other day..:(

    1. Thanks a lot puja malhotra, I did my very best to make it difficult LOL

  5. well, you deceived some of us :-p
    never the less, great polishes, and lovely manicure, love the design of index ring the best :-D

    1. LOL, I love to play tricks on you nail crazy, thanks my friend!

  6. Juhuu jeg "vandt" ;-) Tak fordi du endelig udløste spændingen! :-p

    1. Ja, du er for go' - præmien er at du får lov til at gøre hele mit hus hovedrent ;)

    2. Hehe, jeg tror faktisk at du nok skulle sørge for underholdning så det blev en fornøjelse :-p Pyh, eller helt i den anden grøft, så tror jeg også du kan være hård med pisken :-D
      Næh,jeg vælger bare den personlige sejr, at jeg bliver bedre og bedre til at genkende lakke... Eller - det var vidst mere held en forstand *GG*

  7. I love the design on the ring finger- the mixture of holographic purple with stark white is really fun!

    1. LOL, thanks The Lacquer Tracker, and I liked that combination too

  8. Aw man I guessed wrong lol. I love the thumb and pinky designs!

    1. Hahaha, you are not alone, thanks KawaiiKagura, I'm happy to hear it!

  9. Awesome post!! They all love lovely especially what you did to them! (=

    1. Aww, thank you GoingtotheShowing, I'm glad you do :)

  10. I like the Hits Dionisio's shade most of all! Look like the night sky! *_* Have a good week*

    Kisses From Europe

    1. It is very beautiful, thank you Eva Tornado!

  11. love the mani, amazing job! :)

  12. Yay! Absolutely love this! :D

  13. I made my own spectraflair top coat, but I think it's dulling the original colour too much, so I'm practically never using it. Annoying! :)

    1. Thank you for this, so it's basically the same experience you had too, thanks Rainbowify Me :)

  14. Gotta love the holos! Awesome!

    1. They most certainly are, thanks NailTalk :)

  15. Wooo I love this!!!! Awesome! :D

  16. They are all gorgeous! I love holos!

    1. It's hard not to love them LOL - thanks Meredith Anne :)

  17. LOL gættede total modsat.. flot flot

    valgte dem fordi de tiltalte mig mest,det sollys kan gøre underværker.. en skam jeg ikke render rundt i trope land så jeg kunne nyde alle mine lakker i solen hver eneste dag

    1. Du kunne få installerret noget tropelys i hjemmet, det ville garanteret være lgie til at komme i godt humør af :)

  18. Hehehe, det var nu osse svært, jeg havde gjort mig stor umage :)

  19. I was right :). You made beautiful nail art (as always ;) )!

    1. Hahaha, you know me too well, thank you zebra-nails :)


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