
lørdag den 14. juli 2012

OT: The little hedgehog that felt poorly - det lille pindsvin, der havde det skidt

Last summer this for it's age very small hedgehog was a frequent guest in my McBirdie, and he of course needed something else than seeds on the menu. Click on the photos to enlarge them.
Sidste sommer kom dette for sin alder meget lille pindsvin som en hyppig gæst i min McBirdie, og der måtte naturligvis andet end frø på menuen. Klik på billederne for at forstørre dem. 
The first time I saw him in right before noon, and that's almost always a sign of distress, because hedgehogs are nocturnal. He was not reacting normally, was so exhausted or ill, that he didn't even curl up, like a hedgehog normally would do when touched.
Den første dag jeg så ham var lige inden middag, og det er som regel altid tegn på nød når et nataktivt dyr færdes om dagen. Han reagerede ikke normalt, var så udmattet eller syg, at han ikke engang rullede sig sammen, som et pindsvin normalt gør ved berøring.

I grabbed some cat food and served it, he ate and ate, and he drank some fresh water too.
Jeg serverede straks noget kattevådfoder, og han spiste og spiste og drak frisk vand til.

Completely exhausted he fell asleep only a few steps from the food, out in the open, but in the shade, another clear sign he wasn't feeling well. At this point I was pretty convinced that he wouldn't make it, watched over him and waited.

Hey you, for a human you are kind of OK...
But he woke up late afternoon - and he looked much more chipper. He ate another huge dish of food and drank some more water..
After a while he searched towards denser vegetation - but first he pooped a bone dry poop, maybe he had stomach problems.
Men han vågnede op sidst på eftermiddagen - og så nu langt mere kvik ud. Han åd endnu en stor skål foder og drak mere vand.

Snart søgte han over mod tættere vegetation - men først kom han af med en stenhård og stor klump afføring, måske havde han ondt i maven.

Later the same evening he came back, but this time Findus thought - geez a tiny hedgehog can't possibly eat all that - and felt it was very unfair that he weren't allowed to eat the food.
Senere samme aften kom han igen. Men Findus tænkte: Sådan et lille pindsvin kan ikke æde så meget - og han syntes, det var vildt uretfærdigt, at han ikke måtte spise det.

We saw him frequently the rest of the summer, and eventually later and later in the evening. He had his own "table" in the restaurant.
Resten af sommeren så vi ham ofte, og efterhånden kom han senere og senere om aftenen. Han havde sit eget "bord" i restauranten.

41 kommentarer:

  1. Glad I found your blog. Not only do you do great nail art, you are an animal lover too.

  2. Omg... it's sooooo cute! I love the second picture (nom nom)^^

  3. oh poor baby! he really looked exhausted. Love this OTs :) too cute!

    1. Thank you so much Lydia, he was feeling really poorly :(

  4. poor little thing, he's (or she?) so lucky to stumble upon you :-D

    1. He was a boy ;) - I hope he still is alive and doing well this year :)

  5. It's good that he found you :)

    1. Thank you so much zebra-nails, I guess he was :)

  6. Aww, poor little one. I'm so happy you helped him! <3

    1. Thank you so much Parakeet, I have nursed a lot of animals back to life during my time, I can't help it :)

  7. Such a lovely creature :) Thank you for sharing the pics!

  8. Awwww, isn't he just the cutest! How fabulous that he found your little restaurant! ♥

    1. Yup, my restaurant aim to please :) - thanks Rainbowify Me :)

  9. Sikke en dejlig historie!! :-)

  10. awww cutness overload :D

    1. Thank you so much Mimi, he really was so cute :)

  11. Awww how cute is he?! I think it's fab that you helped him like you did, your obviously a very kind hearted person :)

    1. Thank you so much Katie - Missys Manis, I always loved animals :)

  12. Svar
    1. I thought you might like him, thanks Meredith Anne :)

  13. Such a great story. He should be very hungry or maybe has babies Have a nice Sunday :)

    1. Thank you Beautyshades :) The male hedgehog has nothing to do with his babies....

  14. Wonderful post, Maria. I really enjoyed reading about and seeing pictures of your unique little visitor! I really hope he ends up healthy and safe!

    1. Thank you, and i hope he made it trough the winter...

  15. Lovely post hun, you are so lovely to help the little guy x :-)

    1. Thanks my friend, I always help if I can :)

  16. Aw this was such a great post to read! What a cute little guy. I'm glad he got better thanks to your help! :D

  17. He is beautiful and I think he was so lucky to find you who cared about him and helped him survive and get better! :-) When I think that these little creatures keep away snakes... I really can't, or I don't want to immagine him fighting with some snake... :-)

    1. We all need a hand from time to time - thanks my friend!

  18. He's adorable. It's so sweet of you to help him. I'm glad he turned out ok. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you Yun, hedgehogs are such lovely animals :)


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