
søndag den 11. november 2012

My new photo studio set up - mit nye hånd foto studie...

Dansk, se nederst på siden!
Since summer I have had a huuuuge wish... Up till now I have relied on sunny, or at least not too shabby weather, always doing my nails in the middle of the day and taking photos with my compact camera Canon Powershot SX230 HS, because it was easy to lift even when my shoulders were hurting the most - see more in "Who am I"

My Canon Powershot SX230 HS faithfully helped me through my first year as a blogger
My digital SLR Canon EOS 600D was gathering dust, I only had a large and pretty heavy zoom lens for it, but I couldn't use it for macro shooting.
So I finally ordered a macro lens for it, a Canon ef50mm F/2.5 Compact-Macro.
The Canon Speedlite 5800 EXII Flash and the sturdy tripod I already had, just like the old "umbrella" - but I also bought a new flash tripod that only requires a small floor-space.
All settings are now on manual and the white-balance is adjusted to fit this exact set-up.
The light is indirect, but not flat as in a light box, and the skin color is  normal - I love the result.
Now I only need to shoot a few photos and the editing process is SO much easier because not much needs adjusting - I am saving a LOT of time AND can make color true photos MUCH easier, even teal colors - I really love that!!
For bottle shots etc. it's practical to have something a bit higher, so for now I use this, and it works fine.
I have now posted all the mani's shot with my little Canon, so from now on all mani's are photographed with my new set up. Actually I already have shown you a few swatches and Artsy Wednesday mani's, where I used my new set up.
I look forward to making a series of comparisons - and to show them color accurately if your monitor is correctly color calibrated. I highly recommend it, but look out and read reviews first. Personally I use Spyder3Express because of the good reviews I found on it.
How often have you bought a polish that was either shown wrongly on your PC - or posted with slightly off colors because of the camera shooting it? I know I often have been disappointed on that account...
Siden sommer har jeg haft et stort ønske, for jeg var træt af at være afhængig af vejr, vind og sol, når jeg skulle fotografere. Jeg har hid til nu klaret mig med mit Canon Powershot SX230 HS, bfor den var let at løfte uanset om jeg havde smerter eller ej, se mere i "Who am I"
Mit digitale spejrefleks Canon EOS 600D samlede støv - mens dens tele duede ikke til macro fotografering. Endelig tog jeg mig samme til at købe en Canon ef50mm F/2.5 Compact-Macro.
Jeg havde allerede en Canon Speedlite 5800 EXII Flash, en flash paraply og et stabilt stativ, men jeg købte også en flashholder. Alle indstillinger er manuelle og hvidbalancen er indstillet til præcis det set-up. Lyset er indirekte, men ikke så fladt som i et lystelt eller kasse, og huden ser rigtig ud. Jeg elsker mit set up, og jeg sparer oceaner af tid på fotografering og frem for alt redigering, det er pragtfuldt.
Alle manicurer fotograferet med det lille Powershot er nu postet, så nu glæder jeg mig til at vise farvekorrekte og velbelyste manier, og jeg vil lave en række lak sammenligninger, det glæder jeg mig til. Men det kræver at din skærm også er farvekalibreret, og det er efter min mening en god investering, jeg bruger selv Spyder3Express.

42 kommentarer:

  1. It looks pretty professional!

  2. WOW!!! O_O That is an amazing set up!!!!

  3. Svar
    1. I'm happy you like it, thanks a lot Lydia!

  4. Fabulous set up, very professional :) I'm soo very jealous!

    1. LOL, I see why you are ;) - thanks a lot Katie!

  5. Great setup, and I know that your SLR is happy to finally getting used properly in your hobby! :)

    1. hmmm, did it tell you so when you saw it a while back LOL - I'm pretty sure you are right!!

  6. Ooh what a beautiful set up! It looks amazing!

    1. It is sooo nice to use, thanks a lot drinkcitra!

  7. Wow! What a professional looking setup! Much fancier than mine!

    1. At least I can shoot good quality photos whenever I want too, and I really enjoy that, thanks a lot Julz!

  8. NICE! Thats a great set up :)

  9. Wow, you're a professionel! It looks amazing.

    1. LOl at least my gear is ;) - thanks Katherine!

  10. No need to catch sunny weather, this is cool!

    1. I love it so, so much - thanks zebra-nails!

  11. wow, this looks like a real professional studio *.*

    1. At least semi-professional LOL - thanks Zana!

  12. Wow, that looks amazing Maria! I desperately need a set up like this. I have been relying on good weather so far and it's getting difficult with winter approaching. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. It really can be so annoying during winter, because it's so difficult - so I'm really, really enjoying this!

  13. man, I just recently made a new light box and have a pretty good set up compared to my previous setups but man I love this, I want something pro. like this lol ;) where did you get the light and umbrella?? pricey or no?

    1. LOL, I'm happy you like it Kelly - I can tell you that I do too!
      The umbrella is ancient, I used it way back when I still developed my black & white photos. The light is a Canon flash, and yes, pretty pricey...

    2. Well damn lol I jus ordered a new camera today, early Christmas present from the bf :D and hopefuly can have better pics or maybe make it easier to take em.. I use my phone atm which is great.. sometimes. Haha. But congrats on the set up. Mine is gradually gettin better !!!!

    3. I hope it has manual setting Kelly, and is able to work with an external flash - compact camera's cannot do that.
      Thanks a lot :)

  14. Tusind tak Christina!
    Ja, når man hele livet har fotograferet mere eller mindre, så kan man nok ikke lade være - og jeg prøver virkelig at gøre det så godt jeg kan. Nu kan jeg endda gøre det hurtigere og i en meget, meget bedre kvalitet... - det er bare herligt!

  15. What a fantastic studio you have now, Maria! I love seeing these "behind the scenes" pictures. :D

    1. It really is, I'm so fortunate to have it - thanks a lot Tara!

  16. Fantastic "studio"! :-)
    Also I have to think about some good solution, at least a simple light-box, to be able to make photos also when the weather is not sunny and nice... :-)

    1. You always have gorgeous weather in Italy LOL - nah, I know what you mean - thanks Tanja!

  17. Svar
    1. Good LOL - just kidding - I'm so lucky to have it!

  18. Oh wow! I would love to have the space for a set up like that! I too am stuck with daytime/overcorrecting....

    one day...

    What a fab post, I really enjoy your style of writing x x x

    1. I'm so please you like it, but it's easy to put it away, so that it only takes up room when you need it - it has given me so much extra time :)
      Aw, I'm happy to hear it, English is not my native language, so it's not too correct LOL


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