
søndag den 3. februar 2013

Nailstation swatches & review - Norway Nails, a new store with fantastic polishes

Norway Nails is a brand new shop that carries some of the very sought after and often hard to get polishes. 
It opens TOMORROW, so be ready to visit the shop HERE – in the meantime you can visit and follow Norway Nails on Facebook HERE
The owner and founder, Wenche, has sent me these polishes to review, and today I'll show you swatches of the two Nailstation polishes...
Norway nails er en splinterny online shop, der fører nogle meget efterspurgte og ofte vanskeligt tilgængelige lakker.
Butikken åbner I MORGEN, så vær klar til at besøge shoppen HER - og ind til da kan du følge Norway Nails på Facebook HER
Ejeren og stifteren, Wenche, har sendt mig disse lakker til anmeldelse, og i dag vil jeg vise jer swatches af de to Nailstations...


Nailstation Juicy Gossip is the perfect mint cream color from my point of view, refreshing, bright and lovely to look at. Two coats gives full opacity, and it’s very easy to work with, has a good self-leveling ability, dries fast and has a nice shine – it’s simply gorgeous.
Nailstation Juciy Gossip er den perfekte mint grønne farve set med mine øjne, frisk, klar og lys. To lag dækker fuldstændigt, og den er meget let at lægge, den udjævner sig fint, tørrer hurtigt og har en smuk skinnende finish – den er bare fantastisk!

Nailstation Vandalism Art 91 is a happy, bright and fun glitter with fairly large pieces in gold, silver, red, purple, blue and green. It makes me smile even if I’m not really a glitter person myself, it makes me think of a clown suit! It was easy to apply, very easy to manage – and as with most glitters a little dabbing to place the glitters where you want them is necessary, but the are flat, and do not really need a top coat, if you don’t want to.
First we have it over Nailstation Juicy Gossip here with Seche Vite Top coat.
Nailstation Vandalism Art 91 er en sjov og glad glitter med ret store stykker i guld, sølv, rød, lilla, blå og grøn. Den får mig til at smile selvom jeg ikke rigtigt er den store glitter fan – den får mig til at tænke på en klovnedragt. Den var let at lægge og selvom jeg skulle duppe og flytte lidt med glitter stykkerne (som man altid skal med større glitter stykker i lakker), så ligger de fladt og har faktisk ikke brug for en toplak, hvis du helst er fri.
Først har du den over Nailstation Juicy Gossip med Seche Vite Top coat.
Here it is without top coat shown over PicturePolish Wisteria, that also is awailable in Norway Nails.
Her er den uden toplak over PicturePolish Wisteria, der også kan købes i Norway Nails.

45 kommentarer:

  1. juicy gossip is so pretty!

  2. Juicy gossip is amazing!!I love this shade :)

  3. The colored glitter looks great on Wisteria. Wow...

    Kind regards,

  4. These two polishes look very cheery. I'm looking forward to seeing swatches of the Cirque polish you received.

    1. Thye really are - and on Friday you will see it with nail art on - swatches on Saturday!!

  5. These two Nailstations are beautiful together! But I really love that glitter over Wisteria!

    1. Yes, it is a good match, and Wisteria is gorgeous :)

  6. It's hard to wait until she opens tomorrow!! Yay!

    1. I really is - I have 4 lemmings to kill ;)

  7. Wow love these!!! That minty one is just to die for!! Beautiful swatches!!! :D

  8. Nailstation Juicy Gossip is soo my type of shade!

    1. Mine too - I love how bright and "clean" the color is!!!

  9. What a beauty's.

  10. Juicy Gossip is so pretty!! I just love bright and happy shades like that! :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Exactly - ans just the way I like them too :)

  11. I quite like those colours and glitters :)

  12. great polishes, Nailstation Juicy Gossip is perfect *.*

    1. It is - maybe even a little beyond perfect ;)

  13. Its a beautiful mint color, I didn't know this brand :) Vandalism Art 91 looks a bit like Essence Circus Confetti eh eh


    1. It really is, I have Circus Confetti too, it's not as bright and a bit smaller...

  14. Juicy Gossip is stunning <3

  15. I looooove these!! They're beautiful on you!

  16. Those combos are great :)

  17. I like 'em but I can't wait to see the cirque one :D

  18. Oh,my these are sooo me :)Heaven!

    1. LOL - so me too, I was so lucky to get to review them :)

  19. Hi! I live in trondheim! Thes polish are awsome but they are a little bit expensive...


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