
onsdag den 6. marts 2013

CLOSED: Micro Paintings by Maria - shop opening giveaway!

DANSK - se længere nede!

 After several months of thinking, planning, doubting and believing, it's finally a reality:
- my shop Micro Paintings by Maria is OPEN!!!
I cannot wait to hear what you think of the shop and the paintings, and if you discover something that does not work, please let me know...

To get more likes on Micro Paintings by Maria on Facebook - I host an Internationally open giveaway here below. The size and number of prizes is dependent on how many likes I get. So you can help by sharing it!
The prize is a custom painted set of paintings, the winner gets a saying in choose colors and motifs within my normal range of motifs.
200 likes = the winner gets a set of 3 paintings
250 likes = the winner gets a set of 4 paintings
500+ likes releases a DKK300 discount code for the shop for winner #2 

  • It's mandatory to LIKE on Facebook, but if you do not have a FB account, you can enter anyhow, click the like button inside the Rafflecopter widget.
  • If a question is asked in the Rafflecopter widget below, you HAVE to reply to it to earn the points that question gives. I.G. I need your email to be able to contact you, if you win, it is mandatory.
  • If you cheat, all your points are deleted.
  • The giveaway runs to April 10th and the winner/s gets 48 to react to the winner email, after that new winner/s will be picked.
  • The set of painting will be ready to ship within a month
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Efter mange måneders spekulationer, planlægning, tvivlen og tro - er det nu en realitet:
- min shop Micro Paintings by Maria er ÅBEN!!
Jeg glæder mig til at høre hvad du synes, og opdager du nogle fejl og mangler, håber jeg du siger til!!

For at få flere likes på Micro Paintings by Maria på Facebook - afholder jeg en giveaway. Præmiens størrelse og antal præmier er afhængig af, hvor mange likes jeg opnår, og du kan hjælpe ved at fortælle om det!
Præmien er et sæt malerier, hvor vinderen er medstemmende hvad angår farver og motiver indenfor de motiver jeg normalt maler.
200 likes = vinderen får et sæt med 3 malerier
250 likes = vinderen får et sæt med 4 malerier
500+ likes uløser en vinder nr. 2, der får en rabatkode til forretningen til en værdi af DKK300

  • For at deltage SKAL du LIKE på Facebook, hvis du ikke har en FB konto, er du dog fritaget, klik på Like knappen i Rafflecopter widgeten ovenstående
  • Hvis der stilles et spørgsmål i Rafflecopter widgeten, SKAL du svare på spørgsmålet for at opnå pointene, f.eks er det nødvendigt at skrive din email adresse, så jeg kan få fat på dig, hvis du er vinderen
  • Snyder du - slettes alle dine point
  • Giveawayen løber frem til den 10. april. Vinderen/vinderne får 48 timer til at besvare vinder mailen, ellers trækkes der en ny vinder
  • Sættet med malerierne vil være klar til afsendelse indenfor en måned

53 kommentarer:

  1. I love your work, Maria! Besides the set I already have I think my favorite set is Fairytale. You are so talented!!

  2. Tillykke!!!! Hvor ser det hele fint ud :)

  3. Congratulations, my friend! It looks great and I wish you all the luck in the world!
    My favourite is Bright Red with white-pink flowers, I think :)

  4. I've followed you on Pinterest for a while now, you do beautiful work! I love 'Flowers on the Blue Sky', it's so fresh and springy!

  5. Congrats and lots of success!!! xxx

  6. Vines on holographic silver!

  7. Congrats on the opening of your shop, and thank you so much for having this giveaway! It's so hard to pick a favorite from your store... I really love every one. If I had to, I would say it has to be one of the green ones, either Bright Green Theme or Copper Abstract on Green. :-)

    ~ Yun

  8. I love your winter landscape nails! They are all so gorgeous, though!

  9. Congratulations!! :)) The shop looks great and I like the products presentation - it's like an online art gallery :)
    Good luck with the shop! :))

  10. does it count if i say they are all AWESOME!? my favorite is gray can be fun! iii looooveee that set ohh but wait i also loooove Illamasqua tribute, beautiful! Congratulations on the shop! :)

  11. Congratulations and all the best for your shop!

    Kind regards,

  12. Congratulations on your shop Maria.

  13. Tillykke med shoppen! Sikke en lækker giveaway :) Jeg er helt vild med "Bright red with white-pink flowers" og "Holographic Winter Sky", det er nok den sidste jeg er mest vild med :)

  14. oh this is going to be such a success, jeeeeeej :D

  15. Congratulations on your shop opening! :-) It's great that your dream comes true and I wish you many, many buyers and many new micro creations! :-)
    There are many sets that I really like, I like "Nature for Zana", "Four seasons (Karen)", "Red, gold and black abstract version 2", "Flowers and glitters on medium blue", "Vines on holographic sand" :-)

  16. Congratulations!! All your micropaintings are wonderful :-)

  17. I like The Snow white flowers on rose holographic and Mossy Theme the best.

  18. Congrats! I love the floral ones.

  19. Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.

  20. åh, det må enten være "Blue theme" som Laura har købt eller de 3 som Marianne har købt.

  21. Shared on FB:

  22. I liked the snowdrops best - you are very clever! Beautiful paintings - good luck xx

  23. Danish summer, men det er nu utrolig mange flotte

  24. Congrats Maria! I really like the abstract on olive set, Something about It I really love!

  25. I love them all, but especially the snowdrops set :)

  26. Hello, Thanks for the giveaway...I just discovered you thru the blogs of KarenD (Frazzle and Anipolish) and Drinkcitra. Your work is gorgeous and it's hard to choose, but I think I'd settle for either 'Vines on holographic silver' or 'Mossy theme'. Thanks again.

  27. it's hard to choose between your paintings, I love poinsettia, snowdrops, holographic winter sky, blue theme and Trees in all seasons (probably, last one is my fav!).
    Oh, I love any kind of mushroom you paint too ^^

  28. Hej Maria

    Fantastiske flotte malerier :-)
    Kh Jeanette

  29. Wauh.... hvor er de flotte - et helt igennem fantastisk arbejde

    Kh Emma Moluk

  30. Hej Maria

    Stort tillykke med den flotte hjemmeside

    Knus Tootsie

  31. Hej Maria

    Hvor er det bare en fantastisk side du har - det kan godt nok være svært at vælge hvilket et motiv/maleri


  32. Hej Maria

    Tillykke med siden


  33. It's really hard to pick, but let it be a Snowdrops vs. 2 :)

  34. Thank you for the giveaway!! I would have to say the flower ones!

  35. Thank you for the giveaway!
    My favourite is Bright Red with white-pink flower.

  36. Congrats...I like vines on holographic silver btw I like all of your arts..:)

  37. Rigtig god idé, de er vildt flotte, min favorit er klart Fairytale :-D

  38. De er rigtig smukke. Min yndlings er "The snow white flowers on rose holographic".

  39. Fedt at du giver os en chance for at vinde dine fine kreationer! Det er så unik en idé! Jeg har svært ved at vælge én yndlings, så jeg bliver nødt til at vælge tre: Copper abstract on green, Mossy theme og Wood theme on dark.. Simpelthen så flotte!

  40. Thanks for the chance to win!! Shared on FB here:

  41. Your paintings are all so gorgeous! I love the holographic winter sky ones!

  42. Beautiful:

  43. FB post:

  44. I really love the combination of Flecks and Flowers over maroon. :-)

  45. I really love "Fairytale" one of your latest creations. Such a beauty.

  46. All are so prettyyyy but I like Danish summer the most :)


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