
lørdag den 4. januar 2014

Chanel Beige 565 swatches

Chanel Beige 565 – belongs to the standard collection.
Beige is a beige with hints of yellow and a subtle touch of caramel. It has a very shy but pretty pink shimmer, not easy to see with the naked eye. 
It is not at all my color and quite possibly my all time least flattering polish, but you know my mission is to swatch and show as many Chanel polishes as possible, right?
It is opaque in two coats, but some of my worst ridges still were showing just a little bit, so I used 3 coats without a top coat for these swatches!
Chanel Beige 565 – hører til standard kollektionen.
Beige er en beige med et gult skær og en smule karamel. Den har en meget let, men smukt pink shimmer, der ikke er let at se uden forstørrelse.
Det er slet ikke min farve, og den er sandsynligvis min mindst flatterende lak overhovedet, men du kender min mission, jeg forsøger at swatche så mange Chanel lakker som muligt og vise dem på bloggen!
Den dækker ved 2 lag, men nogle af mine værste riller kiggede lidt for meget igennem, så jeg har brugt 3 lag uden toplak til disse billeder.
Does this type of color look better on you than on me...?
Ser denne farve bedre ud på dig end på mig...?

22 kommentarer:

  1. I'm sure, it will even look worse on me, than it looks on you ;o).

    Kind regards,

    1. LOL - thanks a lot (I think hahaha) - but it really isn't flattering for me at all!

  2. Ooh this is nice...I like that shy shimmer hehe :D

    1. Yay a fan of Beige, I'm glad you like it, and I agree, the shy shimmer is so pretty!

  3. Surprisingly, I like this shade very much. I understand that it clashes with your skin tone, but the shade as such is very pretty. I think it would make a great base for stamping or your lovely nail art.

    1. I too think it is a very elegant color - just not for me, and you are so right about it being a perfect base for nail art.

  4. Ugh... I'm glad I don't have to like all your Chanels! Hahaha!!! :D

    1. LOL - I'm glad I don't have like them all either :)

  5. Oh, these hints of yellow make my eye "burn"! :-) :-) :-)
    I don't know how it would look on my nails, but I think that it would be a good base for nail art creations! :-)

    1. LOL - it's fun that I who can wear all pastel and bright yellows cannot wear this at all - but yes a great base - that it is!

  6. Maybe it's not so pretty but at least it contains shimmer :)

    1. LOL, you are so right about that - and a very pretty shimmer :D

  7. I love beige so much <3 I need a backup ;D *lol*

    1. Isn't it wonderful how we love different things and colors - and how they suits us differently, I love that :)

  8. the pink shimmer is sooo gorgeous! <3 love it!

  9. love that subtle shimmer in it :D

  10. That shimmer is lovely but I don't like the shade neither :)
    But I have seen uglier polishes, I assure you ;)

    1. LOL - Beige and I are happy to hear that LOL

  11. I like the shimmer in it! :)


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