
søndag den 5. januar 2014

Chanel Starlet 575, Avant Premiere collection swatches and comparisons

Chanel Starlet 575 – is from the Avant Premiere coll. spring 2013: Paparazzi 579, Cinema 581 and Starlet 575.
Starlet is a coral-pink-coppery rose with a lot of shimmers, a bit difficult to describe. It made me think of Rose Paradise 185, but it is lighter and more coral, as the comparisons below show you.
It is highly pigmented and one coat might be enough, but this is 2 coats without a top coat.
Chanel Starlet 575 – er fra Avant Premiere coll. foråret 2013: Paparazzi 579Cinema 581 og Starlet 575.
Starlet er en koral-pink-kobberfarvet rose med en masse shimmer, den er lidt svær at beskrive. Den fik mig til at tænke på Rose Paradise 185, men den er lysere og mere coral, som sammenligningen i bunden af dette indlæg også viser.
Den er særdeles pigmenteret, og et lag kan være nok, men her ser du to lag uden en toplak.
 And a comparison - og en sammenligning
Do you like Starlet?
Hvad synes du om Starlet?

22 kommentarer:

  1. India and Rose Paradise look extremely close, and I can see why Starlet made you think of them :) A good one coater is always a plus!

    1. Those two are close and yes, Starlet is the same family, but lighter - the entire collection is fantastic in pigmentation!

  2. Gorgeous colour, but I skipped that collection completely. No matches :o(.

    Kind regards,

    1. I am so happy to have all 3 of them, I like them all!

  3. The shimmer is gorgeous (Chanel really knows how to make a shimmery polish), but the colour is so not my cup of tea. I can see it, however, as a base for some lovely garland of leaves for instance.

    1. They most certainly do know how to make shimmery polishes - and I did add a floral nail art to it :)

  4. Oh I like this one so much :)

  5. oh starlet you are so gorgeous!!!

  6. nice color, but i think it would look bad on my skintone... it looks better on you :D

  7. I love it! Maybe Paparazzi is more wearable for me, but I really love Starlet too ^^

    1. Yes - they are pretty unique both of them - and I love them both!

  8. Loving this coral-y shade :D

    1. Yes, I figured you would like this a lot!


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