
søndag den 22. juni 2014

Models Own swatches: Feeling Blue, Prussian Blue and Top Turquoise

Feeling Blue is a sky blue cream. It is very opaque in one coat, but this is two coats with a top coat. 

Prussian Blue:
Prussian Blue is a navy blue cream. One coat would definitely be enough, but this is 2 coats without a top coat, the finish is semi matte/rubbery. 

Top Turquoise:
Top Turquoise is a dusty, teal leaning turquoise cream. It is very opaque in one coat, but this is two coats with a top coat. 
I'm afraid all of these have been retired - do you own any of them/how do you like them?

25 kommentarer:

  1. All 3 are real nice colours and I like that semi-matte finish.

    Kind regards,

  2. I like Feeling Blue the best, probably because it's the one with the clearest colour :)

    1. Well, in person it's not as bright as this unfortunately... Blogger does play tricks on my colors from time to time...

  3. Nice colors and I can imagine they all as base for nailarts.

    1. Yes, they would make great bases for nail art :)

  4. My favourite will be Feeling Blue and Top Turquoise, both look my style -like :)

  5. Oh, these are pretty. Prussian Blue and Top Turquoise are gorgeous.

  6. Nice colours. I don't own many MO polishes and not these ones. Prussian Blue is probably my favourite :-)

  7. They are all very nice and creamy, my favourite is definitely Prussian Blue :-)

  8. I love them! Feeling Blue is my favourite :)

    1. It is a very pretty blue for the season!

  9. I don't own any models own, yet (but now I know a friend of mine travels for work and goes in London for work too, so I might ask him for some bottles LOL).
    Sadly, I have to say. Because those shades are one better than the other one, I love all of them :) Maybe the blue one is just better in autumn/winter time

    1. Maybe, just maybe you soon will own at least one blue one, who knows :D


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