
søndag den 4. januar 2015

Nail mail December

This is all the nail mail, that arrived in December...

December 3rd,
A beautifully wrapped parcel from Chiara aka *Ky* arrived - and after emailing her, she suggested that I should open it and read the first part of her lovely letter - and take out the yummy cookies she baked. I could open the polish parcels or save them for Christmas, and so I did :D
So this was the beautiful sight that met me when I opened them on Christmas Eve (the 24th) - where we here in Denmark open our presents :)
Thanks a lot dear Chiara <3

December 4th (bought in November)
Swatch sticks from Ebay - from a new seller!
The one I normally buy from sent me the wrong kind, shorter in length and nail - and didn't want to refund... :(

December 5th (bought in November) - part 1
Three polishes from a new French brand: Iletait un vernis... - I have shown you swatches already :)

December 5th (bought in November) - part 2
Burt's Bees hand cremes - see my regular hand care routine HERE!

December 6th (bought in November)
- the last of the OPI Gwen Stefani coll - that I didn't think I needed when I bought the first 3 LOL - bought on Ebay!

December 8th (bought in November)
- the ONLY thing I bought on Black Friday!! A gorgeous beauty from Different Dimension!

December 12th
Nail mail from Norway Nails - Wenche wraps her parcels sooo nicely, it always feels like getting a present :)

December 13th
Polishes from a to me new brand: Ice Polish (bought in November) - I have shown 3 of them!

And new nail files from Mont Bleu - to replace the ones that died HERE!

December 15th (bought in November)
- lovely nail mail from Bear Pawlish!

December 16th
- a lovely and unexpected parcel from Vedranafrom Cajkine kandze i sve njihove boje - thank you SO much my dear friend <3

The Holiday Trio from Glisten & Glow - all are shown :)

December 17th
- massive nail mail from Hypnotic Polish :)

December 18th is now a retailer for Illamasqua - so I grabbed Melange...

December 19th
Beautiful FUN Lacquers...
And gorgeous Glam Polishes from Edgy Polish - Katarina also sent me two Lustré polishes to try and a lovely pair of Tweezers :) 

December 20th
Two beauties from Elevation Polish!

December 22nd and 23th:
Two lovely Starrily polishes and one that was missing from my last Bear Pawlish haul!!

December 24th
These two actually arrived on the 22nd - but I knew is was a Christmas present from my friend Elena from PicturedTinsel, so I didn't open it until the 24th - thank you SO much dear Elena!!

December 27th
More beautiful polishes from MOD Lacquer - I'll start showing them to you here in January...

And last but SO not least - December 29th
- a wonderful swap with dear Denise 
- and if you are thinking: What is that on the right, is it, yeah it IS a Christmas gift, something I have been lemming really badly: a Louboutin Rouge Louboutin - thank you so, so, so much Denise <3, that is the best gift I have gotten in 2014!!

26 kommentarer:

  1. I'm really curious to see those FUN Lacquers :o).

    Kind regards,

    1. Yes, I look forward to trying them too :)

  2. So much bottled gorgeousness, I can't tell that anything stands out. I am very happy I could help you with hunting down one of your lemmings :D

    1. You sure did - I'm so happy finally to have gotten MT Rebel With A Cause, it's so gorgeous!!

  3. So many pretties. I like the package from Ky as I see Shaka, Pupa and Lady Venezia maybe? something I know a bit ;)

    1. Yes - you are right, there is one Lady Venezia among them :)

  4. My jaw just dropped to the floor. And that's quite a distance! Lost for words. Can't wait to see them on your nails here on the blog!!!

    1. Auch - I hope it didn't hurt too much LOL

  5. I feel a strong attraction to all blue nail polishes... and to all beautiful holos...! :-)

  6. That's an extremely beautiful lot once again :)

  7. Some really gorgeous polishes there! I know what you mean about the Louboutin. I'd been lusting after it but talked myself out of buying it - it would have cost me 36 GBP! I thought that was a bit much for a polish so gave up on that dream! ;-)

    1. Exactly - I know I often paid way more than that for vintage Chanel polishes, but for a new polish in a shop - it is a lot of money...
      So I'm thrilled I got it as a gift :)

  8. Svar
    1. Yes, it is, isn't it - fortunately I think so too LOL

  9. So many gorgeous polishes!!! Those Morgan Taylor and Fun Lacquers, and the Illamasqua look very beautiful, and the Estée Lauder polish, and..., and... What is the name of the dark Mi- ny polish? Maybe I should try Burt's Bees hand creme.

    1. - I know the and..., and... feeling LOL
      It's called Mi-ny I Love Milano - there is a collection of "I Love XXX" with different cities...

  10. Wow December was an insanely awesome nail mail month for you! I love looking when you post your nail mail as you have impeccable taste :D

    1. LOL it sure was :D
      Aww, you are very kind, thanks a lot!!

  11. ok, everything looks so amazing, but somehow this illamasqua caught my eye

    1. It is a very unique polish - so no wonder :)

  12. *_____________________________________________________________*

  13. please please please adopt me :*

    1. OK, I need you signature and your parents to :D


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