
lørdag den 23. maj 2015

Chanel Irresistible 127 US vers. - Collaboration Saturday

It's time for a new Collaboration Saturday together with my friend Elena from PicturedTinsel!
Chanel Irresistible 127 “Made in USA” – is a vampy red 2002 Holiday crelly polish, and according to my bottles, this is an ox blood read and darker than the “Made in France” version see it right HERE. I made a comparison in the end of this post. My bottle of “Made in the USA” has not been treated well by a previous owner, and it had become very goopy, but a thinner shouldn't make it darker – so I am presuming that this is what it looked like.
Do you like this old lady!?

And here is the comparison:
Now, lets see what Elena has for us today, shall we :)

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18 kommentarer:

  1. Gotta love this dark and vampy beauty!! Gorgeous.

  2. I like the colour, but I'm not sure I like the finish so much :)

  3. vampy red is my kind of red :D

  4. It looks quite darker than French version. I still can't understand why Chanel (and not just Chanel) makes different versions of the same polish for different markets.

    1. Chanel doesn't do it - haven't for some years now to the best of my knowledge. But one reason can be pigment and what is allowed where...

  5. Interesting to see that Chanel does the same "different country - different color" of the same polish like essie does. I would prefer the lighter version of this old lady though.

    1. Please see what I just wrote to Vedrana :)
      I like both of them - but the crelly finish isn't me so much...

  6. Hmmm I prefer the lighter French version of the same nail polish :-D

  7. There really is a big difference isn't there! I'm no really sure what to think of this one :-| I'd really need to see it on me. I'm confused lol!

    It's a shame when people don't treat their polishes well. But I guess not everyone is a polish addict like ourselves ;-) And that's a chance you take when you buy second hand, I've been caught out a few times. Thank goodness for eBay's policies! :-)

    1. Yes, there always is a huge risk when you buy old second hand polishes, and when we are talking Chanel, they aren't exactly cheap either :)

  8. Maybe it has seen to much san and then tanned? LOL IDK, but the darker version is my fav one :D


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