
søndag den 13. december 2015

Mons, our foster kitten - Mons, vores plejekilling

Recently I told my vet that I would be more than happy to foster kittens in need until they were fit for a new home after neutering and ID tattoo/chipping, and Mons is our first!
Fornylig sagde jeg til min dyrlæge at jeg hellere end gerne ville være plejemor for killinger indtil de var klar til et nyt hjem efter neutralisering og ID mærkning - og Mons er vores første!
Mons was born with a deformed hind leg inside a skin pouch - and our amazing veterinarian, Kevin Malle Hanstholm Dyrehospital, decided he was way too sweet to euthanize, so he amputated the leg. On November 20th, two days after surgery Mons moved in with us and our 6 cats.
Mons blev født med et deformt bagben inde under huden, og vores fantastiske dyrlæge, Kevin Malle Hanstholm Dyrehospital,  besluttede, at han var alt for sød at aflive, så han amputerede det deforme ben. To dage efter operationen, den 20. november, flyttede Mons ind hos os og vores 6 katte.
The first days he slept a lot and didn't really like the other cats - but that soon changed!
De første dage sov han meget, og han var ikke helt tryg ved de andre katte - men det ændrede sig hurtigt!
I don't think he was used to toys, he was afraid of tiny balls and toy mice, but this wheel with the non-removable ball inside kept him busy for hours and hours. Soon it was OK that another cat or two joined the fun, and they rolled the ball to each other.
Jeg tror ikke han var vant til legetøj, han var bange for tøjmus of små bolde. Men bolden der ikke kan fjerne fra denne legesag holdt ham beskæftiget i timevis. Og inden længe var det OK at der sad en kat eller to på den anden side, så de kunne trille bolden til hinanden.

The first days I was afraid he, soon named Mons, would hurt himself climbing furniture etc. but he climbs and jumps without any problems!
De første dage var jeg bange for at han, der hurtigt fik navnet Mons, ville falde og slå sig, når han gik i møblerne eller klatretårne, men han klatrer og springer helt ubesværet.

But poor little Mons has SUCH a naughty tail, and he has to punish it over and over again :D
Men stakkels lille Mons har SÅDAN en uartig hale, og han er nødt til at straffe den om og om igen :D

And even our former feral cat Tyson aka Tysse thinks it's naughty, I laughed seeing his mouth movements :D
Og selv vores forhenværende vildkat Tyson aka Tysse synes den er uartig, jeg kan ikke lade være med at grine, når jeg ser hans mundbeværelser :D
After a week or so, he also started playing with the many kinds of toys, that we have and he also started playing with our two slightly older girls Mille and Snøvsen.
Efter en ugestid begyndte han at leget med det forskellige legetøj vi har i huset, og han begyndte at lege med de to lidt ældre piger Mile og Snøvsen.

Monday November 7th Mons was neutered, ID marked with a chip and an ear tattoo, and the skin over his amputation was adjusted. This is him in the evening, a bit tired and sore, but with a good appetite...
Mandag den 7. november blev Mons kastreret, chip mærket og øretatoveret, og huden over amputationen blev rettet til. Her er han samme aften, noget træt og lidt øm, men appetitten fejlede ikke noget...

But as you can see, he was playful, mischievous and his usual happy self already the next morning!
Men som du kan se, var han legesyg, fuld af spilopper og sit sædvanlige glade selv allerede dagen efter!
All Mons wants for (or after) Christmas is a loving and caring forever home, and after his clips are removed in a week, he is ready for adoption.
I'm in no hurry, if the right home comes it is fine - but quite honestly we have grown so fond of this little brave fighter with the very sweet, loving, playful and mischievous personality, so he might even stay...
Alt Mons ønsker sig til (eller efter) jul er et kærligt, omsorgsfuldt og blivende hjem, og efter at han får fjernet de sidste clips om en uges tid, er han klar til adoption.
Men jeg har ikke travlt, hvis den rigtige nye ejer findes er det fint - men helt ærligt, så er vi blevet så glade for denne lille gavtyv og fighter, der tager det meste i stiv arm og som har et supersødt, kærligt og legesygt væsen, at det ikke gør noget, hvis han bliver...

See more of my cat videos/se flere af mine katte videoer HERE!!

35 kommentarer:

  1. He is lovely, I hope he will find new home soon!

    1. Thank you - but not too soon, maybe in a few years :D

  2. Svar
    1. He is such a happy little boy, I love him!

  3. Aw, he is so adorable and you and your hubby providing foster home for kitties reminds me so much of Bregje from Ooohshinies blog. She also had an adorable three-legged foster kitten for a while and he was also this playful.

    1. He is, isn't he - and yes, I know, I have followed many of her kittens!

  4. He's adorable. I wish I could take him, he'd love it with me <3

    1. I'm sure he would - and you would love him!

  5. He's so cute! :) I wish I could have a cat, but my hubs is allergic and we can't have any...

    Love Lotte

  6. What a cute kitty! Thank you for fostering him! I hope he finds a wonderful home!

    1. Thank you so much. I think he will - or rather: He might just stay ;)

  7. He's so sweet!! I hope he finds a loving home (or maybe he already found the right one;-)).

    1. He just might have done that, I am so easy to see through :D

  8. Lindos bichanos amei o vídeo
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  9. Awww he is really sweet and gorgeous :-D That is so good the vet decided to amputate and not the other option! Lol they do say cats and dogs have an extra leg, don't they!

    I can see why you would want to keep him :-D <3 I love cats so much :-D

    1. Yes, we have a totally amazing vet <3
      And yes, Mons is a little thief of hearts!

    2. Our vet is really great too! He's just one of these guys that is really good at his job and really cares :-D He likes our Vizsla and Bengal haha :-D

    3. Caring is so important for a vet - Kevin has the biggest heart of gold ever!!

  10. This is such an amazing post and you are one hell of an amazing woman!! I'm so glad there are people like you who have such kindness and warm hearts - He is absolutely adorable and it looks like he's been on an incredible journey with your help. I really hope he finds a wonderful forever-home. I wouldn't be able to give him back!! xx

    1. Aww, you are way to kind <3
      He really was a super sweet kitten already when I got him, but he is more confident now, so I didn't do much other that a little TLC ;)

  11. Ithfifi has said what I exactly want to tell you. You are a gem. He is so so adorable and lucky too have you to look after him. :-)

  12. How adorable!! Your vet is the best saving him. That clip with him punishing his tail, so so funny!!

    1. He really is, he is an amazing person <3
      LOL - yes, poor Mons to have such a naughty tail, maybe he should have it amputated too :D

  13. Mons is so sweet, somehow I hope that he will always stay with you, I'm sure that it would make him very happy! :-)

    1. Well, by now we have decided, he is our little boy :)

  14. i think he already found himself a perfect home :D

    1. Actually he has - we are his fur-ever home :D


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