
tirsdag den 24. maj 2016

Masura Mint and Basil 904-185 swatches

Masura Mint and Basil 904-185 is a dark green magnetic polish with a gorgeous effect. I applied it in one coat over the black base coat Masura Obsidian 904-107 – both belong to the Precious Stones collection. 
After finishing each nail with one coat of Mint and Basil I held the super strong Masura magnet across (diagonally one some) the nail a few seconds and then horizontally for a few seconds. On some nails I held it longer, but that’s not a good idea, in fact it says just 2 seconds in each direction. Then I moved on to the next nail. 
At first it just looks black and boring, but as the nails dried a magnificent Northern Light like emerald green flames moved across the nails when I moved them – just woow. Next time maybe I’ll be better at it, but I was rather happy about the effect in this first try! I finished with a coat of Seche Vite. 
I'm super fascinated by it, next time I'll try it over white!

It's available from Hypnotic Polish!

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20 kommentarer:

  1. Amazing color and I think it's fun that magnetic polishes are making a come back.

    1. It is - but these are very different - and so are the magnets :)

  2. Great shade! The Masuras caught my attention.

    1. It definitely also caught my attention ;)

  3. Wooow, I want to try that now, too. :) My bestie Amy send me such a strong magnet. :D

    Love Lotte

    1. Yes, the Masura magnet is incredibly strong!!

  4. Oh yes, I really like this one!

  5. I agree with Helena - it is really fun to see that magnetics have a comeback :D
    The colour is nice!

  6. Oh wow, this is stunning! I never quite succedeed using magnetic polish but maybe I should give it another try.

    1. You can hold it up to one cm away and just 2-3 seconds, it's amazing!

  7. Colour is gorgeous. I wonder if regular strong magnet could do the trick.

    1. I haven't tried - but the Masura is the strongest magnet I ever have seen...

  8. I'm not much fan of magnetic nail polishes'... I don't know why many web sites which sell nail polishes has taken close to their hearts this magnetic mission ^^''

    1. I admit I'm fascinated by this new generation of magnetic polishes *those flames* <3 they move on the nail, it's incredible...


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