
søndag den 13. november 2011

Essence Nail Art Magnetics Magic Wand! - swatch and review

  Photo indoor with flash, no topcoat – blitz og ingen overlak.
Dansk, se længere nede.
I bought a polish called 03 Magic Wand! from Essence Nail Art Magnetic in Germany in the beginning of October, and the magnet that goes with. Until now I only swatched it on a nail wheel and failed miserably in not touching the wet polish with the magnet, so my hopes were not high before trying it as a real manicure a while back.
All you need to do is to apply a normal coat of the polish and the shortly after a thick coat and immediately hold the magnet over the nail. One nail at a time, as the manual say. It went well, no smudging at all. I do however wish, that there were other magnets to choose from, I would have liked a diagonal magnet.
It dried fairly quickly, so if in a hurry, this more or less one coater might be the solution to all problems. IMO it’s not too striking, but yet eye-catching.
På vores ferie i Tyskland købte jeg Essence Nail Art Magnetic nr. 03 Magic Wand! samt den tilhørende magnet. Indtil nu har jeg kun afprøvet den på neglehjulet, og jeg har været utroligt "god" til at ramme den våde lak med magneten, så da jeg ville afprøve den på mine egne negle, var mine forhåbninger meget små.
Det eneste man behøver at gøre, er at smøre et normalt lag på, ret hurtigt derefter et tykt lag, og det er vigtigt staks holde magneten over, en negl ad gangen, som der står i brugsanvisningen. Det gik fint, jeg havde ingen problemer overhovedet. Men jeg kunne godt tænke mig, at der var flere magneter at vælge imellem, jeg ville helst have haft en diagonal magnet.
Lakken tørrede ret hurtigt, så hvis man har travlt kan denne mere eller mindre et lags lak være løsningen. Den er diskret og fanger dog alligevel øjet med det anderledes look.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Interesting post! I also thought about buying Magic Wand! I really like the color :)
    You are so right about the magnet! A star magnet like the one by Alessandro would be also great.

  2. Hi Maki. Yes the color is really pretty, I look forward to reading your review of it if (when LOL) you buy it, and maybe use another magnet ;)

  3. I like it,the magnet gives it the special effect that can not go unnoticed:)

  4. Hi Mimi, yes, but I still wish I had another magnet to use, the diagonal or star is much prettier. I tried using a normal manget too, but it had no effect...

  5. Jeg har haft store problemer med at få effekt ud af essences magnet :/ Men det ser ud som om de gik godt for dig :) Jeg må prøve igen.. hehe

  6. Ja, jeg prøvede osse mange gange, og var ved at kyle det ad H til. Men så lykkedes det pludselig. Jeg har flere steder læst, at der skal lidt træning til...


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