
mandag den 5. september 2016

ILNP Pucker Up and Storytelling swatches

Today I have two of the polishes from the ILNP Summer 2016 collection.

ILNP Pucker Up
ILNP Pucker Up is a vibrant magenta pink with blue and violet shimmers. It’s also shown in two with a coat of Seche Vite.

ILNP Storytelling
ILNP Storytelling is a gorgeous dark purple with red and gold shimmer and holo micro glitters. You see it in two coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
I love both - but Storytelling is my favorite - what do you think?

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18 kommentarer:

  1. I like the colour of Pucker Up the best but the effect of Storytelling is the nicest of the two :D

    1. Yes, that's true - but I like Storytelling best in this case :)

  2. Storytelling is stunning. Such depth, almost takes you to another dimension.

  3. OMG the purple - amazing! The first one is pretty too :)

  4. Storytelling is my favorite as well - it's so beautiful!

  5. i have both and i love storytelling , pucker up i havent try it yet but i looks really nice,

  6. I like Storytelling, it looks like some far-away galaxy! :-)

  7. Storytelling sure looks wonderful, beautiful color and a lovely finish!


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