
mandag den 5. september 2016

My stamping journey - part 38

In this part you will meet Take 143, 144 and 145...

Take 143
Take 143: The base is Picture Polish Electric Blue stamped with Ya Qin An Gold, plate Born Pretty Store L007, stamper Fab Ur Nails Jumbo Stamper.
Note to myself: I loved it!

Take 144
Take 144: The base is Different Dimension P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sidney stamped with El Corazon stm-52 Egyptian Scarabaeus, plate Born Pretty Store L005, stamper Fab Ur Nails Jumbo Stamper.

Take 145
Take 145: The base is Chanel Magnetique – Copper Magnet 95 stamped with Moyra 17 Vanilla, plate MoYou Nails 403, stamper Fab Ur Nails Jumbo Stamper.
What do you think of these?

1.500+ indie polishes and 100+ indie brandsIndies & swatches

16 kommentarer:

  1. I can't decide which I like best, these are all great combinations :)

    Love, Lotte

  2. I love that first manicure! I think I will need to check that gold stamping polish out, seems to work amazing.

  3. The two colours on the last take fit each other perfectly. I like it!

    1. They do - and even if it's not normally my colors, I also like it.
      Thank you so much!

  4. Colours in #145 go so well together. I love it.

  5. Take 143: sometimes I have the feeling that golden stamping polish Ya Qin An looks too much "yellow golden", if you know what I mean...
    Take 144: this one is very, very close to my heart, I like the base colour and the final effect is wonderful
    Take 145: is a winner today, it catched my eyes, a little bit for the combination of colours, a little bit for beautiful pattern! :-)

    1. It is very yellow golden, and unlike you, I love that LOL
      Thank you so much, I was pretty sure 145 would be your pick!

  6. They're all amazing! I would love to wear #145 - boy it it really really pretty!! Well done!

  7. I chose the bronze stamping over chanel magnetique!


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