
lørdag den 31. december 2011

The Christmas Story: New Years Eve in the wood, day 17 - Jule historien: Nytårsaften I skoven, dag 17

 Left hand  daylight - venstre hånd udendørs
Rest right ditto - resten højre hånd ditto

It was New Year’s Eve, and the family had had a wonderful evening. At midnight they went outside, and enjoyed the fireworks, that lit the sky outside the wood. Even if the children would have liked to have some themselves, everyone agreed, that they would not scare the animals living in the wood. The little mouse was happy about that, because she used to live in the big city, and knew how frightening fireworks were. When she fell asleep, she started dreaming – you can see what she dreamt in tomorrow’s part, the last part of the Christmas Story told by the little mouse…
Det var nytårsaften, og familien havde haft en skøn aften. Ved midnatstide gik de alle sammen ud for at nyde raketterne, der blev skudt af udenfor skoven. Selvom børnene gere ville have haft nogen selv, var de dog alle enige om, at de ikke ville skræmme skovens dyr med raketter og fyrværkeri. Den lille mus syntes, at det var dejligt, for hun havde selv boet i storbyen, og vidste hvor skræmmende fyrværkeri var. Da hun faldt i søvn, begyndte hun at drømme – og du kan i morgen læse, hvad hun drømte. Morgenens del, bliver den sidste del af julehistorien fortalt af den lille mus…

Over my base coat I applied 2 coats of China Glaze Blue Year’s Eve, concentrating on full layers towards the cuticles and thinner and/or absent layers towards the tip. Then I added an uneven coat (no where near a french tip) of China Glaze Awaken (gunmetal grey) on the tips. When dry I sponged on Essie Licorice in the area in between, you can see the steps below. My goal was to create the same colors as in a forest after dark and with snow on the ground, that’s why I used a gradient of these colors, and I’m pretty happy with the result. The midnight dark trees, the snow on the ground, stars on the sky and a few distant fireworks are painted with a fine brush and acrylic colors. Top coat is Seche Vite.
Over base coaten lagde jeg to lag China Glaze Blue Year’s Eve, og jeg koncentrerede mig om at få to “fulde” lag op mod neglebåndene, mens det var knap så vigtigt at negle spidserne var dækkede. Derefter påførte jeg et ujævnt lag på spidserne, det må endelig ikke være en fin jævn fransk manicure tip. Da det var tørt duppede jeg med Essie Licorice i området mellem, overlappende. Du kan se trinnene længere nede. Mit mål var at skabe de samme farver, som der er om natten i en sneklædt skov, derfor graduerede jeg netop disse farver, og jeg er godt tilfreds med resultatet. De midnatsmørke træer, sneen på jorden og himlen med stjerner og et par fjerne raketterer malet med en lille, fin pensel og acrylfarver. Top coaten er Seche Vite.

5 kommentarer:

  1. I love the blue in contrast with the darker "wood" colors, and how you can see the brush strokes, i may have said this to you before, but i really like how painterly this design is!

  2. Thank you, Kelly, you might have said it before, but to me it's such a great compliment, so please don't stop saying it, if and when you think so LOL

  3. This is so beautiful! I agree with Kelly You like your on a canvas! I love how it looks and the detail you get from it! The tree is just gorgeous!

  4. Beautiful!I love it:)Happy New Year my dear,wish you all the best,may all your wishes come true:*Love and kisses:***

  5. Thank you Nail Reflections and Mimi, you are too kind. I'm so happy, that I finally got around to trying out acrylic colors, it love the freedom the give me within nail art, and I'll do much more like this in the future!


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