
lørdag den 31. december 2011

Happy New Year - godt nytår!!

Dear all - kære alle.
In 15 hours, it's 2012 in Denmark, (it's 9 in the morning right now) and I have a little card for you to see. But remember to check in again later (1 hour earlier than normally) to see part 17 of the Christmas Story told by the little mouse - and my New Years mani.
The card you find HERE, and if you are having problems, below I have copy and pasted, what I wrote in it...
And remember my first  give-away, you need to react soon, to participate...

Om 15 timer fra nu, er det 2012 her i lille Danmark, og jeg har et kort til jer. 
Men husk at kigge ind igen senere (1 time tidligere end normalt) for at se del 17 af Julehistorien, fortalt af den lille mus - og billederne er af mine negle, som de ser ud i dag.
Kortet finder du HER, og hvis du har problemer med at læse det, har jeg indkopieret det skrevne nedenstående...
Der er kun 4, der har sendt mig en mail, som er nødvendig for at deltage i lodtrækningen om en lille gave - læs mere HER -  jeg håber at høre fra lidt flere :)

I wish you all a happy New Year, with a lot of wonderful days!
If you look closely, you'll see our little mouse from the Christmas Story in this little film too...
I'm not sure I can keep up with the every day posting on the blog, it's extremely time consuming, and I do not want it to be a pressure rather than a pleasure. But I do have a LOT of ideas, that I want to share with you :)
Jeg ønsker jer alle et rigtigt godt og lykkeligt nytår!
Hvis i kigger godt efter, er vores lille mus fra julehistorien også med i denne lille film...
Jeg er ikke sikker på, at jeg kan fortsætte med at poste noget nyt på bloggen hver dag, for det er ekstremt tidskrævende, og jeg vil ikke have, at bloggen pludselig bliver et stressmoment fremfor noget, jeg glæder mig til og over. Men jeg har MASSER af ideer, som jeg gerne vil dele med jer :)

Kind regards/kærlig hilsen

5 kommentarer:

  1. happy new year dear, wish you all the best :-D

  2. Thank you, and it's nice to hear from you again, my dear :)

  3. Happy New Year! Love the mouse! Marias It will get better Christmas is just packed with themes and idea's. We all slow down between holidays. Mainly because the theme is now purely in our hands not the holidays. But its all so the best time for everyone to create their own beautiful idea's! This should always be pleasure! Slow down we still be here!

  4. rigtig godt nytår til dig Maria.. glæder mig til at følge bloggen ind i 2012

  5. Nail Reflections, thank you SO much dear, and you are of course right. It's still not a pressure, except for a few days, even if I spend way too much time on my blog. And the ideas for new things to try, themes and combos are SO many, and the WANT to get on my nails LOL
    But your words are very reassuring, and I'm sure I'll slow down when the spring and summer is here :)

    Kat, tak i lige måde, og tusind tak. Det bliver hyggeligt at mødes til en negle-nørde-dag :)


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