
fredag den 27. januar 2012

Unplugged Zoya Dree

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My right hand
Dansk, se længere nede.
I had no real plan, except that I wanted to try Zoya Dree. But then it started to loudly cry out for some kind of nail art, and I know better than to disappoint a wee polish. I chose 6 different acrylic colors that wouldn’t subdue it, and let my mind wander without any goal, like when you doodle during a phone conversation, and this was the result. I sealed the design with Seche Vite.
And so this became the first of a row of unplugged nail art on army/olive colors, and this might not be very good - but still the first ...
Jeg havde ingen plan, havde bare lyst til at prøve Zoya Dree. Men Dree begyndte straks at tigge om en eller anden form for nail art, og jeg skuffer af princip aldrig en lille neglelak, der tigger. Derfor valgte jeg 6 forskellige acrylfarver, som ikke ville overdøve den, og lod ellers tankerne vandre uden noget mål eller plan, ligesom når man kruseduller, mens man snakker i telefon. Jeg sluttede af med Seche Vite dry fast top coat.
Sådan gik startskuddet til en række unplugged nail art på army/olivengrønne farver. Resultatet er måske ikke så godt som de senere - men det var det første.

11 kommentarer:

  1. this is very cute Maria, love it! & thanks for the award :)

  2. looks very pretty!

  3. So nice and artistic:)I like that Zoya polish:)

  4. Ahhh, I think you are too kind ladies, I'm not quite satisfied - but then again I rarely am LOL
    But the rest I'll show you are not all that bad :)

  5. I love it! I knew it was a great base color! I do it all the time! Idea come when they please doodling works anytime! Just not as pretty as yours!

  6. They are awesome!!! Congratulations!! You can visit my blog and we could follow each other :)

  7. det ser nu meget sødt ud :D jeg kommer i forårs humør af at se på dem også selvom det hele er hvidt udenfor

  8. Thank you ladies, I'm glad you like them, even if I'm not totally happy with them. The rest of them I like much better :)
    Kat, det er meget skægt du siger det, hmmm, for mig skal der vist mere klare farver til :)


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