
Freehand floral nail art

Click on a photo to go to the original post.  See the rest of my freehand & fun nail art by clicking on the page "Freehand Nail Art" in the top menu, or you can click HERE
Klik på et foto for at se det oprindelige indlæg. Se resten af min frihåndsmalede nail art ved at vælge fanebladet Freehand Nail Art i top menuen - eller klik HER

I get my inspiration from nature and my imagination. I get a lot of ideas and love to play with color combinations. I have learned a lot right down from cutting the brushes, the consistency of acrylic colors to painting techniques by watching tutorials by Robin Moses Nail Art on YouTube. She is incredibly talented!
Jeg får min inspiration fra naturen og min fantasi. Jeg får masser af ideer, og jeg elsker at lege med farvekombinationer. Jeg har lært meget lige fra beskæring  af pensler til akrylfarvers konsistens og ikke mindst maleteknikker ved at se Robin Moses Nail Art instruksions videoer på YouTube. Hun er utroligt dygtig!

11 kommentarer:

  1. I'm a fun of Robin Moses too :-) I've seen all your flowers and they are amazing! I think I'll try to copy some of them, if you don't mind, giving you credits of course and mentioning your blog :-) I'll let you know :-)
    Great work!

    1. Thank you so much, Raggio di Luna, I'm so happy you like them, and I would be honored, and look forward to it!

  2. Love them all! your flowers are awesome! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Lydz, I'm so happy you like them :)

  3. it's awesome to see all your flowers like this, in one place :-D

    1. Thank you so much, nail crazy, I'm happy to hear it!

  4. Yes, this is really awesome, to see all your flowers in one place! I think I'll have to take some time and organize my blog a little bit better, and also this what you've done here (organizing in groups, like Flowers, Freehand nail art ecc.) is something that I'd like to do! I guess all you need is time, patience and persistancy to put all new posts in the group where they belong, but at the end it really pays, it is so handy and beautiful :-)
    Really, really well done, Maria! :-)

    1. Thank you so much, and the thing is: the sooner you get going, the shorter is the walking - so to speak LOL

  5. The first photo - Pink flowers on peach & brown - the link doesn't "work", it doesn't take to the original post, or at least I had that problem :-)

    1. Thank you for telling me, I forgot that one - it should work now!!

    2. Yes, it works now! :-)
      Oh my God, I don't know when will I start making this sort of group of manicures on my blog, I really want to do this...!
      Your group of flowers is beautiful and "the company" of flowers is growing and growing... :-)


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