It's really weird, I have my entire life never really won anything - except for a huge mirror years ago. And within a month I suddenly win THREE!!! giveaways - I feel so lucky and do the silly little polish dance :)
Det er virkelig mærkeligt, jeg i aldrig rigtigt vundet noget i hele mit liv - bortset fra et kæmpestort spejl for flere år siden. Og indenfor en måned vinder jeg pludselig TRE giveaways - jeg føler mig SÅ heldig og danser den lille fjollede neglelak dans :)
The last giveaway I won was three gorgeous polishes in
BeautyShades Barry M giveaway - thank you so much for hosting this lovely giveaway!!
Den sidst vundne giveaway var disse tre dejlige lakker fra
BeautyShades Barry M giveaway - tusind tak :)
Below I'll show you swatches of them (Denim I have shown you previously, but will do so again :) plus a few more, that I bought recently!
Nedenstående vil jeg vise swatches af dem (Denim har jeg nu tidligere vist, men gør det lige igen) - plus et par andre, jeg har købt fornylig!
Copper is a gorgeous shimmery copper, could it be a dupe for OPI Warm & Fozzy?? |
Copper in a close-up |
Silvery Lilac - a rather sheer (3 coats I think) duochrome shifting between silver and a pale, grey toned lilac. |
Denim - gorgeous and just like denim, I have had it a while but not yet tried it - shame on me! |
And on to the ones I recently bought...
Og videre til dem, jeg købet fornylig...
Indigo - an amazing purple/blue - a little darker than shown |
Cyan Blue - bright and yet somehow subdued with a subtle turquoise twist |
Berry Ice Cream - a berry/lavender gorgeous cream polish |
From the "Retro " collection: Purple - look at that delicious purple and blue shimmer goodness... |
Do you see anything you like...?
Ser du noget, du kan li'..?
I see a lot that I like! Denim and the retro purple - they look cool. I've got indigo and love it :)
SvarSletThanks a lot Rainbowify Me, as it so happens I have 2 extra Denims ;) - Indigo is soo gorgeous!!
SletYou are so lucky! They all look very pretty!
SvarSletThanks a lot Shannara, I certainly am LOL
SletCongrats my dear,all amazing colors,it would be hard to choose the favorite
SvarSletThank you so much Mimi, I love them too, but Denim and Indigo are my favorites :)
Sletheldige dig.. har også stadig til gode at vinde en give away... men stort tillykke med den fine præmie :)
SvarSletTusind tak skal du have Simone!
SletI hope this luck continues until forever :) I really like all of them but copper is so nice :)
SvarSletAww, so sweet of you, I'm pretty sure it doesn't - but I enjoy it while it lasts :)
Sletweehuuu tillykke igane Maria.. tror vi skal ha taget en swing rundenom negle dans næste gang vi ses
SvarSletDenim er lækker lækker lækker
DET skal vi bare - og ja, nu har du jo overskredet dit budget,så du er jo ikke ineresseret i at købe Denim af mig ;)
Sletarh men ved du nu hvad ROFL.. det må vi snakkes ved om
SletMy favorite is Cyan Blue and Berry Ice cream! COngrats on all the winnings!
SvarSletThank you so muc, Cee, I'm glad you like them :)
SletIndigo is also one olf my favourites is just a eye catching colour. Give me some of your luck :) I also would love to win some giveaways :)
SvarSletLOL I wish I could give some luck away - I'm sure it will find you when you least expect it :)
SletIndigo is soo pretty - thanks a lot BeautyShades, also for sending me the lovelies :)
Tusind tak Christina, så skal du holde øje med min nye salgsside en af dagene ;)
SvarSletYay congrats on winning yet another giveaway! You are on a lucky roll! Love all the colors. My favs are Copper and Retro Purple! I so wish I can get my hands on some Barry M. :-)
SvarSlet~ Yun
Thanks a lot Yun! I most certainly am, it's amazing - and they have some seriously cool colors!
SletCongratulations! If I should ever go to Las Vegas I will take you and my cousin Mateja (blog Rainbows and Blues), I would give you some money and make you play!!! :-)
SvarSletFrom these three Barry M that you won the most I like Copper! :-)
From these that you bought recently I think I would like every single one, but I would be sooo happy only the first two (Indigo and Cyan Blue) :-)
Lucky lady, enjoy your polishes! :-)
LOL I'm not sure my poker-face is good enough LOL - maybe we should do a swap soon...?
Sletawww these are all so great! Pass some of that luck this way heheeh I need to win some awesome stuff :P
SvarSlet*Swiiiishhhhing sound is heard through the air* - OK, done, grab it, and remember why you won :)
SletThank you so much Polish Amor!!
Copper is so beautiful- and yes, it does look similar to Warm and Fozzie! I have Berry Ice Cream, and loooove it. :D
SvarSletThanks a lot The Lacquer Tracker, I thought it would be a *you* color. I know you have Berry IC, it's because of your swatches I had to have it LOL
SletOk, I need to place a BarryM order soon :D
SvarSletLOL, you really do NatalieDouka, thanks and welcome to my blog!
Sletomg, i love them all *.*
SvarSletyou're shameless, are you thinking of winning all of giveaways on blogosphere... leave something for the others ;-)
Aww, I'm so sorry, I really do share it, and I know for sure I sent some luck your way, maybe you didn't even notice :) Thanks my friend :)
Sletthat's some serious luck to win 3 giveaways! :) congrats! and these are gorgeous!
SvarSletI cannot believe it either, it's surreal - thanks a lot esmeheredia :)
SletOmg I can't believe how lucky you are lol.
SvarSletLove all those swatches. I think I need Cyan Blue in my life, looks like a lovely shade.
LOL neither can I - thanks a lot Katie - Missys Manis, and I'm happy to have created a new lemming muahha ;)
SletYou cant win em all... Nogen kan åbenbart ;-) Tillykke Maria!
SvarSlet... så længe det varer ;) - tusind tak Lisa!
Sletohhhhh *drools all over the keyboard*...indigo, cyan blue, berry ice cream, denim and purple...super super yummy!!! :)
SvarSletYuk, my screen is all wet now, stop it Lydia muahhhaa - well I know a girl in the US who is going to have some of those colors - they are sitting here waiting for the box to fill up ;)
Sletbeautiful colors!
Thanks a lot Lucia M!
SletThe purple, blue and brown are gorgeous.
SvarSletThey really are, thanks a lot Weekly nails :)
SletI just LOVE them!!! They are all amazing *-* Maybe the purple one is my fav! Wonderful polishes ^-^
SvarSletMy English is a bit lacking but I would be glad if you would like to visit my space, I just love yours ^-^
Thank you so much *Ky*, I'm happy to hear it - and I just joined your blog :)
SletMaybe you should buy a lottery ticket??? ;)
SvarSletAnyway, congrats on another win! :)
P.S. Amazing shades!
LOL maybe I should - thanks a lot, and they certainly are :)
SletCongrats!! This must have been your month! :D These polishes are lovely!
SvarSletThank you so much - and yes, it certainly must have been :)
SletI love them, they are gorgeous!
Congrats!!!! You won some good stuff!
SvarSletThank you Meredith Anne, I most certainly did!!