Illamasqua Blow 2 coats, a lovely pastel yellow |
Close up of Blow |
Illamasqua Load 2 coats, if you do not think too much of the name, you see a lovely cream color |
close up of Load |
Illamasqua MILF 2 coats, yes really, that IS the name! A dusty pastel green |
close up of MILF |
Illamasqua Nomad 2 coats, a beautiful bright, light green |
close up of Nomad |
All four were easy to apply with a great formula. It looks like they presumably are 2-coaters on real nails too.
These 4 were part of my nail mail from Illamasqua, shipped in a cool box with free samples...
I owned only one Illamasqua before this nail mail, a beautiful purple, called Poke, and later this week I'll show you Poke, and the two at the bottom below: Jo'mina and Babtiste...
On another note: This might come out as whining, but it's not, I'm simply curious LOL - the number of comments on my "
Clean cut Abstract - Gabrini Abstract 3" yesterday is much lower than normal - please be honest, is it because you hated it - or didn't see it yet...??????
Nice colors with sassy names :) Nomad is my favorite,but I like Load as well:)
SvarSletNomand is sooo great, and well yes I like them all LOL, thanks a lot Mimi!
SletLovely colors, the first 2 look like milk :)
SvarSletYes Load really looks like milk, Blow maybe some kind of lemon milk LOL, thanks a lot Shannara :)
SletI actually really like Load which is unusual for me as I'm not fond of white/cream polishes, but it looks so milky and clean looking.
SvarSletAs for yesterdays post I just hadn't seen it yet, I'm usually a few day's behind on posts anyway, but I shall take a look! :) x
It's super pretty milk color, and I already used it with flowers on (not posted tho) :) - thanks a lot Katie for both :)
SletI love Load, nice creamcolor.
SvarSletIt's very pretty, I look forward to comparing it with Milky Ways from Lime Crime - thanks Katherine!
SletLove all of them. I have such bad luck with yellows
SvarSletI'm sorry to hear that, I have fallen so much in love with pastel yellows LOL, thanks a lot NailNarcotics :)
SletMilf? Seriøst? Det er da godt nok ikke den fedeste forkortelse at vælge som navn til en neglelak.
SvarSletDet er helt seriøst heller ikke en forkortelse, altså jo - men med samme betudning, kig på især navnet Load også lidt Blow, de er jo heller ikke stuerene ;)
SletNomad looks fantastic on you, but I can't believe you left it like that ;D
SvarSletThanks a lot Rainbowify Me, mayyyybeee I didn't LOL ;)
SletThey all look very creamy and lovely for the summer. I can't wait to see your swatches of the bottom right purple. It looks so shimmery and pretty. As for less comments, I find I get less comments on Mondays... maybe cause everyone is still recovering from the weekend lol. ;-)
SvarSlet~ Yun
Thanks a lot Yun, the purples are so gorgeous, and you are right about Baptiste :)
SletIt's interesting how the visitor flow has changed now, that I have more US visitors than Danish...
I don't have any Illamaska polishes, but the colors you swatched look beautiful :) And I also liked the one in the box - lilac Jo'mina, that one must be a lovely color as well :)
SvarSletThanks a lot Mari, I really like them too - and Jo'mina is gorgeous :)
SletThe most I like Load and MILF, then Blow and Nomad! :-)
SvarSletP.S. I didn't see it, now I'm going to your previous post... :-)
OH, you prefer a yellow to a green, you need to see a doctor muahhahha LOL - thanks my friend :)
SletAbout me starting to love yellow (but I still haven't bought any yellow nail polish...): it's all your "fault", seeing your manicures I got the wish to use it more, or to say better - to start using it! :-)
SletLOL, I know, that's why it's so fun to tease you hahaha ;)
SletIf I block out the names, they are gorgeous colors!
SvarSletThey sure are, it's not very cool to say: Oh, I'm wearing load on my nails LOL - thanks Meredith Anne ;)
SletI love Illamasqua!!! Such pretty colors even though the names are really weird! <3 BTW the nails on your previous post are absolutely gorgeous!! <3
SvarSletI think I do too, they have so many colors that really stand out from other brands - thanks a lot The Daily Lacquerista, and welcome to my blog!
Sletlol i personally love the names! i think Load is my favorite! :)
SvarSletI think they are quit funny too, but respect that a lot don't LOL I wore Load with flowers a few days ago, it's so gorgeous!
SletDet ligner virkelig flødeskum/smør i flaske med pensel. Så kan man pensle det på brødet måske? Smart ;-)
SvarSletRigtigt smart, tror dog det ville være noget billigere med smør og fløde Negle Lir ;)
Sletomg these are beautiful!
SvarSletThanks a lot drinkcitra, they are gorgeous!
SletAhhh my god, I'm positively drooling over those Illamasquas. Gorgeous. As for your abstract mani? Haven't seen it yet! Headed there right now. ;) And I'm sure it'll be lovely.
SvarSletLOL, I understand why, they are absolutely gorgeous, thanks a lot The Lacquer Tracker :)
Sletwow, love them all, but nomad is here my favorite :-D
SvarSletThanks nail crazy, I have just worn Nomad two days, and I hated removing it, bow I'm wearing Blow - and love it :)
SletI'm looking for a wearable yellow so Blow looks like a good option!
SvarSletIt's sooo pretty, I'm wearing it as we speak :) - thanks a lot Vita!
Slethaha i have to say i laughed so hard at the names of these, load is a beautiful shade. :)
SvarSletLOL, it's hard no to - thanks Lydia :)
SletTusind tak Christina, det håber jeg du kommer til, de er lækre :)
SvarSletOh Nomad! One day you shall be mine! hehe. Great swatches :]
SvarSletNomad is out of this world gorgeous - I have nothing like it in my collection, I love that color, so I'm pappy you like as much! Thanks a lot Jenni!