Today I'm showing you swatches of 5 of the 6 colors from China Glaze Bohemian Luster Chrome Collection 212, only Swanky Silk is missing.
As much as I love China Glaze, my favorite brand, I have to say that this collection is not quite as impressive as I thought it would be, I find that the duochrome effect is too weak in most of the colors.
I dag vil jeg vise jer swatches af 5 af de 6 farver i China Glaze Bohemian Luster Chrome Collection 212, Swanky Silk er den eneste, der mangler.
Selvom jeg elsker China Glaze overalt, må jeg indrømme at denne kollektion efter min mening falder lidt igennem, jeg synes ganske enkelt ikke den duochrome effekt er ret god i de fleste af farverne.
Deviantly Daring a dark teal/turquoise shifting to golden green - but mostly in artificial light |
Rare & Radiant is shifting from gold to green - a Chanel Peridot dupe |
Unpredictable is a golden green shifting to teal |
I Want My Bawdy is a dark blue only shifting within a little lighter/darker, but beautiful nonetheless |
No Plain Jane is a dusty purple shifting to a dusty brownish bronze |
Left to right: Rare & Radiant, Unpredictable and Deviantly Daring |
Left to right: Rare & Radiant, Unpredictable and Deviantly Daring |
Left to right: I want My bawdy and No Plain Jane |
Left to right: I want My bawdy and No Plain Jane |
I am picking up 4 of them today (my friend grabbed them for me). I passed on I Want My Bawdy (the worst name EVER!) and Rare And Radiant. I was going to pass on them all (HA like that would happen) but then I saw someone on MUA stamp with them over black... well I was sold! Also you have The. Best. Swatch. of No Plain Jane. Thank you!
SvarSletHahah, I know that pre-release comment far too well: I'm not getting any from this collection - and as soon as swatces are release, well, then the tune sounds quite differently LOL
SletThanks a lot Karen!
Great swatches! I agree with Karen, I was going to pass on them all because I feel like I've seen them before but when I saw the stamping with them on MUA, my mind has been changed! They looked amazing!
SvarSletLOL - it's so nice to change opinion from time to time :)
SletMaybe I'm going to buy Unpredictable. I think it looks like Sephora- Moody Woman which is my precious :)
SvarSletI don't know that one - but if it does, you have to LOL
SletI was expecting the duochrome efect to be more visible,but still they look nice,Rare and radiant is the one I would buy for sure:)
SvarSletYes, me too, but as you say, they are kind of nice anyhow - thanks Mimi!
SletJeg har også hørt en del dårligt om den her kollektion. Farverne i sig selv er ret flotte, men duo effekten er lidt fesen.. Synes dog alligevel at Unpredictable er fantastisk, og jeg er ret sikker på, at det er en dupe til Sephora's Moody Woman (og måske også H&M's Lady Luck)
SvarSletJeg har tilfældigvis en swatchs stick med H%M Lady Luck, og den er lidt grønnere og knap så duochrome som Unpredictable...
SletChina glaze is also my favorite brand but this collection I'll pass :) Thanks for sharing the swatches:)
SvarSletThey make so many other nice colors, so I forgive them LOL
SletYou are welcome!
Lovely polishes, but I am disappointed they aren't super duochromatic!
SvarSletMe too, only two of these are mine, the rest belong to my polish buddy, I think she likes them!
SletThey look pretty, but I glad I only bought Unpredictable :)
SvarSletIt seems to be the most popular of them, thanks Shannara!
Sletgreat swatches, I don't think I'm buying any of these these :( lately I haven't liked any of the new collectins, which is good for my pocket $$$$$
SvarSletSaving money is a good feeling, not very common when it comes to polishes LOL, thanks Polish AMOR :)
SletThis collection seems mixed on how duochrome they are. Still, they are all pretty colors, even without the duochrome. :-)
SvarSlet~ Yun
Yes, the effect is very different in each of them, thanks Yun, The Polish Hideout :)
SletDeviantly Daring is the only one that my eyes are set on in this collection. It looks sooooo pretty! :)
SvarSletThanks for making a post like this, I enjoyed looking!
Thanks you for your comments Rainbowify Me :)
SletI was so excited for this to come out, and I have to say, I was really let down. I saw them in person and decided against them...hopefully the next collection will wow me!
SvarSletIt looks like a lot of people feel the same, thanks Meredith Anne :)
SletNo Plain Jane looks good, i think this would do great for stamping. :)
SvarSletThanks Lydz, and No Plain Jane and I want My Bawdy was the 2 I chose for myself...
Sletthey are soo pretty! but i'm not really into duochromes, i might just pick one! thanks for swatches :D
SvarSletI like them once awhile, I look forward to seeing on your blog if you picked one :)
SletI'm in love with No Plain Jane and Deviantly Daring. Both are gorgeous!
SvarSletThanks Katie - Missys Manis, yes, they are quite nice both of them :)
SletI'm waffling on these--I can see the appeal, but I have better duos in my collection already. Maybe if I see them on sale...
SvarSletLOL, I know the feeling, thanks KarenD
Sletagree, unpredictable doesn't look bad, Rare & Radian i don't need because i have catrice's dupe of chanel's peridot... the rest of this collection doesn't show any of duochrome effect... i expected more from this collection, but now i can skip it with peace in my heart ;-D
SvarSletLOL, what a great feeling, I see what you mean, thanks nail crazy!
SletTusind tak Christina, jeg kan sagtens følge dig, og der er jo så meget andet spændende man kan købe :)
SvarSletAw I saw swatches of these on another blog and she thought the same thing. They're really pretty, but lack the duochrome-ness lol.
SvarSletYes, unfortunately, and it's rather important in a duochrome LOL - but petty colors nonetheless...
SletIhh jeg vil egentlig gerne eje rare and radiant og no plane jane. Men alle rewievs jeg har læst siger mig at jeg skal finde nogle andre :-/
SvarSletHvis du i forvejen ikke har en Peridot dupe, så bør du købe Radiant, eller en anden dupe. No Plain jane er jeg nu selv rigtigt glad for :)